The couple was so concerned for their daughter. They were people of faith and knew that God could take care of this difficult situation. We promised to pray for their daughter, Dusk. There was no need to write the request; such an unusual name would be easy to remember. Then on to my next appointment: carpool.
Layton, my six year old grandson and I had a few minutes to spend after school before my next commitment. Layton would probably like helping wash the car. Besides, it would be a great way to make a memory even if the car didn’t get clean. As we were pulling into the carwash, we saw a young lady perched on the edge of a drainage ditch (Montgomery was once a swamp so it has a grand network of drainage ditches).
Before I even stepped out of the car to start washing, I knew the coins that we had mustered for the car wash would be spent a different way. “Where are we going, Nana?” Layton asked as I told him to get back in to car. I pulled over to the ditch and asked the sad looking girl if she was waiting on a ride. Her answer, so typical I could have scripted it but—so was mine. For the next few minutes, Dawn was given physical food (purchased with the carwash money) that would last an hour or so and spiritual food (purchased by the blood of Jesus) that will be in her mind from now on. She did not pray with us but, she heard truth and her next “high” will not be nearly as exhilarating. She has an offer of help—when, she is finished with the “ditch” living. She has hope that there are people who care and will help her find a new life. Dawn tearfully thanked me for the meal and clutched the card I had given her. “I may call you….in three hours or three weeks” she mused.
As for Layton, he was not the least bit disappointed about the carwash. He smiled and tucked his little head shyly as, I explained how he had “ministered” by just sitting quietly while I was talking to the lady from the ditch. As for making a memory with my grandson—I can’t think of a better one.
I had to smile when I thought about beginning my morning with Dusk and ending my work day with Dawn. The Lord really does care about every miniscule detail. From my perspective—I should have met Dawn first. When, asking the Lord about it later. He reminded me about the verses in Genesis that clearly reflect the order of the Jewish Day.
….and the evening (Dusk) and the morning (Dawn) were the first day...
Our God is amazing. He does not have to show up in our day to day but, He certainly does.
Layton, my six year old grandson and I had a few minutes to spend after school before my next commitment. Layton would probably like helping wash the car. Besides, it would be a great way to make a memory even if the car didn’t get clean. As we were pulling into the carwash, we saw a young lady perched on the edge of a drainage ditch (Montgomery was once a swamp so it has a grand network of drainage ditches).
Before I even stepped out of the car to start washing, I knew the coins that we had mustered for the car wash would be spent a different way. “Where are we going, Nana?” Layton asked as I told him to get back in to car. I pulled over to the ditch and asked the sad looking girl if she was waiting on a ride. Her answer, so typical I could have scripted it but—so was mine. For the next few minutes, Dawn was given physical food (purchased with the carwash money) that would last an hour or so and spiritual food (purchased by the blood of Jesus) that will be in her mind from now on. She did not pray with us but, she heard truth and her next “high” will not be nearly as exhilarating. She has an offer of help—when, she is finished with the “ditch” living. She has hope that there are people who care and will help her find a new life. Dawn tearfully thanked me for the meal and clutched the card I had given her. “I may call you….in three hours or three weeks” she mused.
As for Layton, he was not the least bit disappointed about the carwash. He smiled and tucked his little head shyly as, I explained how he had “ministered” by just sitting quietly while I was talking to the lady from the ditch. As for making a memory with my grandson—I can’t think of a better one.
I had to smile when I thought about beginning my morning with Dusk and ending my work day with Dawn. The Lord really does care about every miniscule detail. From my perspective—I should have met Dawn first. When, asking the Lord about it later. He reminded me about the verses in Genesis that clearly reflect the order of the Jewish Day.
….and the evening (Dusk) and the morning (Dawn) were the first day...
Our God is amazing. He does not have to show up in our day to day but, He certainly does.
1 comment:
WhaT aN iNspiRaTioNaL +uPLiFtinG StoRy !
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